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Child and Pediatric Psychology

The Child Clinic

Mission Statement: Child Clinic provides the opportunity for psychologists in training to expand their knowledge and clinical skills regarding conceptualization, research, assessment, and treatment of mental health disorders amongst the child and adolescent population. Clinicians with a passion for working with this population gain beneficial experience to provide holistic care for the children and families in our community and beyond.


Foundational Scripture

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

The Child Clinic team offers bi-weekly meetings throughout the fall, spring, and summer
semesters. As this team does not require a year-long commitment, students have the
flexibility to attend meetings and participate in additional projects at their discretion. All
PsyD students are welcome to attend any of our meetings to receive consultation or
training related to child and adolescent psychology. Additionally, students have the
opportunity to serve as peer supervisor on the team. Peer supervisors lead group
consultation and didactic trainings throughout the year. The Child Clinic team provides
students with opportunities for training, consultation, and leadership, with flexible
participation options available throughout the ye
- Rebekah Rose

Alexa Young, CA

1000 Regent University Dr

Classroom Building 

Virginia Beach, VA 23464  


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