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The Hope Couple Counseling Team

The Hope team is part of Charis Institute, providing training to students in Hope Focused Couple Therapy.  First year students go live in the PSC tunnel to observe couple therapy, Second and third year students provide couple therapy as part of practica training.  Fourth year students provide supervision to junior students in couple therapy.  The team also collects data from research studies which are used for dissertations, presentaitons and publications.

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Getting Certified in the Hope Approach

Doctoral students who want to earn the certificate in Hope approach would


1.  Observe a couple of cases in their first year, read the Hope book, pass a multiple choice and written test, and attend group supervision meetings.

2.  Observe a couple's case using the Hope approach, under supervision in second year.

3.  An advanced certificate of training and supervision certificate is offered to third and fourth-year students who remain in the team for advanced training.

1000 Regent University Dr

Classroom Building 

Virginia Beach, VA 23464  


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